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medium frequency 【電學】中頻。

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The electrochemical impedance spectroscopy of nickel electrodeposition indicates that nickel electrodeposition occurs in two steps , the medium frequency inductive loop is ascribed to the relaxation of the electrode coverage by an adsorbed intermediate such as niohads , the low frequency capacitive loop may be due to the inhibition of nickel electrodeposition by adsorbed hydrogen . the mechanism and equivalent circuit of nickel electrodeposition were proposed on the basis of the analysis of electrochemical impedance spectroscopy 不銹鋼電極上電積鎳的電化學阻抗行為表明氨絡合物體系鎳電沉積過程是二次放電過程,中頻感抗弧是由于中間吸附產物nioh _ ( ads )的弛豫現象引起,低頻容抗弧可能是由于吸附氫原子對鎳結晶的阻滯作用引起,依據實驗結果提出了氨絡合物體系鎳電沉積的反應機理和等效電路模型。

An approximate analysis of medium frequency parallel converter used in power supply controlled by microcomputer is presented in this work . the proposed approach may be applied to converters whose industrial applications are induction heating and metal melting installations . it is shown that closed loop circuit feedback control and opened loop circuit control are separated during the zero - power start - up process 通過閱讀資料和文獻,在對中頻感應加熱及其相關技術的發展、現狀和趨勢作了一個比較全面而深刻的研究基礎上,論文分析了并聯感應加熱電源閉環控制的控制策略,并采用閉環開環分離的方法,解決了零電壓啟動問題;設計了中頻感應加熱電源的微機控制系統。

As the spread spectrum and despread of digitalization are handled on the digital baseband , it is very important to convert medium frequency signal in analogue to digital baseband signal , and the downconverter functions to convert analogue medium frequency to analogue baseband signal , and to digital baseband signal through a / d transformation and decimation filter 所以把模擬的中頻信號變為數字基帶信號的下變頻器就顯得非常重要。在這里下變頻器的作用是將由前一級接收而來的模擬中頻信號變為模擬的基帶信號,再經過a / d轉換和抽取濾波成為數字的基帶信號。

We have complete set of equipment , 6 production lines from 160 tons to 1600 tons consisted of 48 forging machines and can produce forging products and heat treatment products for mechanical and automobile enterprises . the heating system we adopted is medium frequency induction oven , which can guarantee the forging quality 我公司設備全,由48臺鍛壓設備組成的160t至1600t的6條生產線,可以為機械汽車配套企業生產各種鍛件產品和熱處理產品,加熱方式全部采用中頻感應加熱爐先進工藝,能有效地保證良好的鍛壓質量。

A medium frequency - small size vector hydrophone of co - vibrating type is wrapped with low density compound material and in shuck only one piezoelectric ceramic accelerator is used for each channel to measure the vector components of the underwater acoustic field 摘要中頻小型同振式矢量水聽器采用低密度復合材料作為矢量通道外殼、壓電加速度計作為內部振動傳感器,以拾取水下聲場中的矢量信息。

The theory basis for medium frequency receive includes sample theory , the signal ' s orthodoxy transform theory , multi - rate digital signal processing theory and signal ' s modulation and demodulation theory 中頻數字接收的理論基礎是信號的奈奎斯特采樣定理或帶通采樣定理,信號的正交變換原理,多采樣率數字信號處理原理以及信號的調制解調理論。

The heat - treatment technology with medium frequency induction heating for driving wheel of crawler tractor is analyzed , and proved being feasible through technical test , data analyzing and trial installation 摘要本文分析了履帶拖拉機驅動輪中頻感應加熱的熱處理工藝,從工藝試驗、數據分析和裝機試驗幾個方面驗證了該工藝的可行性。

Numerical simulations were performed and results show that significant attenuation of radiated acoustic power can be obtained , and sound radiation cancellation performance becomes better in low and medium frequencies 進行了數值仿真,仿真結果表明,應用壓電片能有效地抑制聲吶設備中障板聲輻射,抑制中低頻的聲輻射效果更好。

The related issues to zero medium frequency including digital match filter and orthogonal sampling are studied . the research makes a basis for the development and realization of cdma hardware system 對采用的零中頻技術、數字匹配濾波器、正交采樣所涉及的問題進行研究,為硬件系統的研制打下理論基礎。

It is shown that closed loop circuit feedback control and open loop control are separated during the zero - power start up process . the self - starting of the medium frequency converter is achieved 論文分析了通過plc對感應加熱進行閉環控制的控制策略,并采用了閉環開環分離的方法,解決零電壓啟動問題。

The thesis studies 400hz medium frequency power supply in naval vessels . it is very important that how medium frequency power supply keeps output waveform sine wave and output frequency stable 對于中頻電源來說,如何保證輸出電壓的正弦度和頻率穩定度以及良好的動態性能是至關重要的問題。

Medium frequency induction heating equipment are used in metal melting , temperature keeping , diathermic technology , metal - heat processing brass soldering , quenching , tempering and sintering 中頻感應加熱設備適用于各種金屬熔煉,保溫,透熱,金屬熱處理,釬焊,淬火回火,燒結,釬絲鋼絲等。

The wet method of building lining in medium frequency electric furnace is that the lining materials is tamped after a certain proportion of water is added into the refractory materials and then mixed evenly 摘要中頻電爐濕法筑爐是在筑爐材料中加入一定量的水,混合均勻后,用濕法打結爐襯。

The digital base - band cdma transmitting and receiving scheme is put forward . the scheme uses a technique called as zero medium frequency without the need of pn codes synchronously are resumed 提出了具有免偽碼同步恢復、免載波同步提取、免位同步的零中頻cdma數字基帶發送、接收方案。

On the basis of these , design machining drawing of medium frequency induction heating power , and produce a prototype of a machine , debugging and testing to prototype of a machine 與此同時,還設計了中頻感應加熱電源的各種保護電路和中頻電源的生產圖紙,研制了一臺樣機。

The theory basis of selecting the equipment is found by calculating the medium frequency induction hrating furnace and onatching equipment in 125mn drop press production line 摘要通過對125mn熱模鍛壓力機生產線中頻感應加熱爐及配套設備的分析計算,找出了選型的理論依據。

In chapter 4 , designing methods of filters in medium frequency power supply and negative effects that filters impact on the running system are discussed 第四章主要探討了電源系統的濾波器設計方法和濾波器對系統帶非對稱負載運行時的影響。

Capacitor for electric induction heating system is applied to medium frequency electric induction heating system for im - proving power factor and loop quality 電熱電容器主要用于中頻感應加熱電氣系統中,提高功率因數或改善回路特性。

In this paper a plc controlled induction heating system is presented base on the analysis of medium frequency parallel converter 本論文在對中頻感應加熱及相關技術作出研究的基礎上,探討了plc控制感應加熱成套系統的控制和相關技術。